When Diwali turned green

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It’s been a while since we’ve updated this blog, but that’s because we have packed in a crazy lot of stuff, this batch of weeks. There have been many highlights and lots to look forward to.

September 23, marked a new thought into turning Diwali 2014, green.

This time, we decided that we would leave it to the rest of the world to remind us about the ills of loud and smoky fireworks, frightened animals and seniors, and cruelty of child labour in fireworks factories.

We, instead, invited our dear Woodizens to tell us, what they thought of Diwali and the role of fire crackers in celebrating this festival of lights.

Was the festival about sparkles? Or was it about coughing up a whole bunch of reasons why in spite of thick smoke on the water, fire in the sky was still tempting?  What would they have liked to change about the traditional way of celebrating Diwali? And, was there still a way to have it all and yet leave a safe world for our children?

Well, they told us! The Pillars of Promise were a testimony to the resounding fact that GWE is largely a forward thinking and sensitive community. The caricatures and thoughts scribbled on those pillars at the Club House, threw up a host of ideas on how Diwali can be as festive as ever, without the evils of pollution that recent generations have introduced into its celebrations! Those who felt more strongly, took the vow to make Diwali 2014, a dhamaaka, but with a difference!

Knots of NOThe Knots of NO that fluttered on the trees by the pillars were proof that GWE was a force to reckon with. Every little ribbon, every silky thread and every piece of fabric knotted to the tree,  in the days running up to Diwali, symbolised a pledge towards making this Diwali, smoke-free, bright and the greenest ever. In one emphatic gesture, the larger community said NO to a toxic and noisy Diwali.

And while in the background, the Owners’ Association went about organising a grand Diwali Fireworks display with eco-friendly pyrotechnics (yes, they exist, it was a fantastic evening of camaraderie and these low-toxic explosives have proven their fabulousness), the first ever in GWE, TeamGreen quietly went about its job of sensitising and effecting change in a generation that is reluctant to break free from the conveniences we have come to hold close.

How successful were we? Let’s just say, GWE has arrived 🙂

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